Courses are available to Courseware subscribers with an instructor or administrator account. Click "Add course to my account" to open and save the course in your Courseware account. Visible Body’s premade courses are full of interactive, visual assignments and graded quizzes. They can replace a lab manual, supplement or replace a textbook, or be used in an online anatomy dissection lab.
This course offers an out-of-the-box solution for an introductory biology lab course covering prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, chromosomes and DNA structure, animal dissections, and animal diversity/comparative anatomy. It uses Courseware's new assignment format, with bite-sized learning modules that lead students step-by-step through 3D models, illustrations, and animations. Short multiple choice and dissection quizzes test students’ knowledge along the way.
This introductory biology course aligns Visible Biology with the OpenStax Concepts of Biology text. The following units include Visible Body’s lessons, structure ID activities, lab activities, and quizzes: The Cellular Foundation of Life, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Evolution and Diversity of Life, and Animal Structure and Function.
This introductory biology course is a companion to the content on the Visible Body Biology Learn Site, covering cells plant structure, DNA and chromosome structure, and blood cells. Lessons and lab activities covering body systems are also included.
This introductory biology course aligns Visible Biology with Campbell’s Biology Concepts & Connections. The following units include Visible Body’s lessons, structure ID activities, lab activities, and quizzes: The Life of the Cell, Cellular Reproduction and Genetics, Animals: Form and Function, and Plants: Form and Function.
This biology course aligns Visible Biology with Miller & Levine's Biology. The following units include Visible Body’s lessons, structure ID activities, lab activities, and quizzes: Cells, Genetics, Microorganisms to Plants, and The Human Body.
Courseware is a web-based platform that empowers instructors to create assignments and quizzes using 3D models, animations, and other content from Visible Body's best-selling apps. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers:
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