Posted on 1/11/22 by The Team at Visible Body
[Update: All of Visible Body's biology content is now exclusively available in VB Suite!]
FRAMINGHAM, MA — January 11, 2022 — Visible Biology, a web-based teaching and learning platform, is now available. Many teachers find cellular-level processes challenging to teach because they are difficult to visualize, but Visible Biology’s interactive models and animations illustrate these concepts. With Visible Biology, students and teachers can explore 3D models and simulations, label structures, create flashcards, view animations, and more.
Visible Biology is just the latest product from Visible Body, the creator of best-in-class 3D and AR virtual human anatomy labs, apps, and teaching platforms.
“We developed Visible Biology in consultation with educators. Our vision was to create 3D models that helped students visualize the toughest biology concepts taught in a first course, said Visible Body CEO Andrew Bowditch. “Teachers we tested with were so excited to get students out of their seats and working with 3D models of photosynthesis and DNA coiling. The early feedback is that with these models, teachers and students have a new visual and interactive learning option that is effective. The virtual models can be used for lab and homework assignments, and for in class activities.”
Visible Biology’s 3D models, interactive simulations, and bite-sized animations take students through concepts like photosynthesis, cellular respiration, monocot and dicot plant cells, DNA, red blood cells, and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
As one instructor said during a preview of Visible Biology’s DNA coiling simulations, “This is groundbreaking. This will be the standard. Nothing else is going to compare to this.”
Visible Biology is designed with classes without lab access and hybrid classes in mind. When used in conjunction with Visible Body’s Courseware product, teachers and students can access interactive quizzes, lesson plans, and lab activities connected to a built-in gradebook. Courseware can also link to Canvas or Blackboard courses to make assessment simple. Educators who use Courseware also have access to hundreds of human anatomy and pathology models to use in their classes.
Visible Biology’s launch followed last year’s announcement that Visible Body partnered with Google to create augmented reality biology content. Using Google’s AR search function, plant cell, animal cell, and bacterial cell models can be rotated and zoomed with key structures labelled.
About Visible Body
Changing the way students learn, doctors practice, and everyday humans explore anatomy and biology, Visible Body’s products feature more than 6,000 3D structures, are available in seven languages, and have been downloaded by more than seven million people in 20 countries.
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