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Technology in Education, Surveys

We Surveyed 600 Life Sciences Instructors: This Is What We Learned

One of our approaches to product development at Visible Body is to think of it as a problem-solving exercise. What problems can we help solve for life sciences instructors and their students? Critical to this approach is conducting research to ...
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Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education, Surveys

What did 1,250 college students tell us about the future of digital learning?

With all the speculation about how education will or won’t be permanently altered by the pandemic, here at Visible Body, we’ve found that we’ve been ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education, Surveys

What Human Biology Instructors Learned from Teaching During COVID

It may seem hard to believe, but it’s been more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to close and prompted a huge shift to online ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education, Surveys

Fall 2020 Student Survey Results: Three Things Students Love About Courseware

The results are in! In early December 2020, we sent out a survey to students who had used Visible Body Courseware during the fall semester, and 798 ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Instructor Case Studies, Technology in Education, Surveys

Student Survey Results: Using Courseware for Spring 2020 Courses

When universities abruptly pivoted to distance learning starting in mid-March due to the pandemic, the team at Visible Body offered any instructor ...