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Chew on This: A Look at the Temporomandibular Joint and TMD

Now, I love singing along to the newest Taylor Swift song alone in the car as much as the next gal, but this essential part of my drive to work wouldn't be possible without today's unsung hero: the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ gets a bad ...
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In a Pinch: The Anatomy and Pathology of Cervical Radiculopathy

No matter how many thousands of dollars you spend on plastic surgery or hours you spend in the gym doing squats, you can't stop the march of time. ...

Do The Twist: A Look at a Torn Meniscus

I’m sort of glad I never played a lot of sports as a kid, mostly because I don’t have enough fingers to count all the friends I had who hobbled ...

Anatomy & Physiology: The Neurocranium and Concussions

Take your hand, make a fist, and tap your head. You know that you’re rapping your knuckles against your skull, but did you know that if your skull ...

Into The Carpal Tunnel: Anatomy & Pathology of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It's what strikes fear into the heart of every frequent typist (like myself): carpal tunnel syndrome. I just shuddered as I typed that. It's usually ...

Year-End Roundup: Five Coolest Medical Stories of 2015

Well, it’s that time again! Throughout the year, we keep an eye out for the most amazing, bizarre, and unbelievable breakthroughs of the health ...

Learn Muscle Anatomy: Of Dads and Rotator Cuff Injuries

If my dad tells me about the hockey game that led to him tearing his rotator cuff one more time, I’m going to tear the rest of his arm off and beat ...

A Stroke Is No Joke: Always Act FAST

I’m about to get a bit personal here, so hold onto your butts. When I was 14, my friend took me to her aunt’s house so we could swim in her pool. Her ...

Serious as a Heart Attack: 7 Facts about Cardiovascular Disease

When you see a heart attack in a movie or TV show, it’s usually a dramatic event—clawed hands clutching a chest, groaning, and then a twisting fall ...

Year-End Roundup: The Seven Coolest Medical Stories of 2014

It's that time again! Last year, we rounded up seven of the wackiest and/or most amazing stories the medical world had to offer. Let's see if 2014 ...