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Atherosclerosis: The Anatomy and Physiology of a (Silent) Killer

When I was six I tried to flush my stuffed animal cat down the toilet. Her name was Boots, and she was all black except for her white paws (hence the very creative name); she’d been my absolute favorite until she’d disappeared for three months. ...
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The Anatomy and Physiology of GERD: The Pain That Keeps Coming Up

Image captured from Physiology Animations. I am an ardent lover of Italian food, especially everyone's favorite meal: pizza. I wouldn't say I'm a ...

Bursitis: The Fallen Heroes of Joint Mobility

Like being able to move? Me too. Mostly from the couch to the fridge and back. Kidding. Sort of. Regardless of the degree of shame associated with ...

Hold on to Your Tibias: The Anatomy and Causes of Shin Splints

At this point you might be sick of hearing about my days on the basketball court (ok, 50/50 on the court and the bench), but I’ve got one more tragic ...

Stop Making a Racquet: A Look at Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Not all of us can be Serena Williams. That's what I told myself after my first tennis match, on the drive to McDonald's for consolation ice cream. ...

A Tale of Kittens and Ballers: The Anatomy and Pathology of ACL Tears

If you’ve never had a cat or a best friend or roommate with one, you might not like cats. They possess a quiet affection and loyalty that I often ...

Run With This: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of Plantar Fasciitis

A few months ago I took up running, which, if you don’t know me, might not sound all that exciting. If you do, it might sound like the first sign of ...

Year-End Roundup: The Seven Coolest Medical Stories of 2016

Well, here we are again in the final stretch of the year. Hard to believe 2016 is over, huh? Although I won't be sad to say goodbye to it—Carrie ...

Brrrr! A Chilling Look at Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)

Frozen shoulder—no, it’s not when your arm goes numb because you got hit with too many snowballs—or as the professionals call it, adhesive ...

Hip, Hip, Hooray: Understanding Hip Osteoarthritis and Hip Replacements

Today's blog post is brought to you in part by the saying "you don't know what you have until it's gone." Your hip is an essential joint that I'm ...