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Technology in Anatomy Education, Biology, Technology in Education

10 Things Instructors and Students Love About Visible Biology

Instructors around the world can now use Visible Biology, a 3D visual guide to biological processes and concepts. Visible Biology is offered within Courseware, a web-based teaching and learning platform loaded with 3D biology, anatomy, physiology, ...
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6 Evolution Myths—Debunked!

If there was a New York Times bestseller list in 1859, Charles Darwin might have made it with his groundbreaking book On the Origin of Species by ...
Biology, Lesson Plans

Four Ways to Teach DNA Structure with Visible Biology

DNA can be hard to understand because it’s difficult to visualize, but it’s important for students to understand the structure of DNA so they have a ...

A Look Inside the Chloroplast: Organelle Components and Photosynthesis Basics

Open up your refrigerator—all the delicious things you see in there have either relied on photosynthesis or have eaten something that relies on ...
Anatomy & Physiology, Biology

How—and Why—Do Humans Walk Upright?

Walking is something that many of us take for granted, but it’s more complex than you might think. Today on the Visible Body blog, we’ll look at the ...
Pathology, Biology

Four Brilliant Black Scientists from the 20th Century

To celebrate Black History Month, let’s explore the stories of Marie M. Daly, Charles Richard Drew, Ernest Everett Just, and Jane C. Wright: four ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Biology, Technology in Education

How 3D Models Help Biology Students

As technology advances, there are more and more tools to help students visualize complex information. These tools open up new avenues for students ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Biology, Lesson Plans, Technology in Education

Free Lesson Plan: Diffusion and Osmosis with Visible Biology

Diffusion and osmosis are concepts that are important in understanding how cells—and organisms at large—function. Rather than let students “learn ...

A Look Inside Mitochondria: Components, Cellular Respiration, and Disorders

It’s the mantra of every biology classroom: The mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell. But what does that actually mean? Mitochondria (the ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Biology, Technology in Education

Your Visible Biology Questions ANSWERED!

In January 2022, we will officially release Visible Biology as a standalone web product and as part of Courseware, the web-based platform that ...