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Anatomy & Physiology

The Rectus Abdominis and Friends: An Intro to the Ab Muscles

When people think of working out at the gym, chances are that they imagine doing planks, crunches, and sit-ups. Why? Core work is a central component of fitness because building strong abdominal muscles helps with balance and stabilizes the spine, ...
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Anatomy & Physiology

The Glorious Glutes: Muscles of the Buttocks

I don’t know about you, but whenever I think of the word “maximus,” two things immediately come to mind: Russell Crowe’s character in Gladiator and ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Navigating the Nervous System Part II: The Autonomic Nervous System

In last week’s post, we began the epic quest of mapping out the divisions of the human nervous system. This is what we created so far: If you missed ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Navigating the Nervous System Part I: The CNS, PNS, and Somatic Motor Control

All the terminology that gets thrown around when you’re studying the nervous system can be a little overwhelming. Autonomic, parasympathetic, ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Something to Talk About: The Anatomy of Speech Sounds

When it comes to communication, humans are pretty unique. Our mouths and throats are specialized to create a wide array of sounds, and the fact that ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Staining the Small Stuff: Why Histology is Awesome

If you follow VB, you might have noticed we’ve been talking a lot lately about the new histology content in our Anatomy & Physiology app. Well, ...
Anatomy & Physiology

What's Blood Got To Do With It? Blood Vessel Basics

We all know that blood is important. It’s not just the favorite food of vampires and mosquitoes—it’s a core element of keeping human bodies alive and ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Neuromuscular Interactions: How to Move a Muscle

One of the first things we learn about the brain is that it’s in charge of the rest of the body. It not only allows us to imagine rainbow unicorns ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Word Games: Fun With Anatomy Etymology

Have you ever stared into the depths of your A&P textbook and wondered who named all that stuff? There is a dizzying array of anatomical ...
Anatomy & Physiology

You've Got Some Nerve(s): Exploring the Spinal Nerves

At about 45 cm long, the human spinal cord is an information superhighway that connects the brain to the rest of the body. That may seem tiny ...