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Anatomy & Physiology, Biology

Energy & Metabolism Part 2: Cellular Respiration

In Part 1 of our Energy & Metabolism overview, we talked about the different types of nutrients your body needs and how it breaks them down into chemical components your body can use. Now it’s time to talk about how the body uses glucose to ...
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Anatomy & Physiology

Energy & Metabolism Part 1: Nutrients

Do you ever feel like you need more energy? Maybe you stayed up all night studying for exams, or you just finished an intense workout at the gym, or ...
Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology

Everything Outside Is Secretly Out to Poison You: A Look at Biological Toxins and Venoms

Welcome back to yet another episode of "Madison is unhealthily and creepily obsessed with poisons!" Today's starring cast consists of microbial ...
Anatomy & Physiology

VB News Desk: Epigenetics, Oxytocin, and Mother-Baby Interactions

The fact that it’s good for parents to spend quality time with their children is just common sense—but did you know that a new study showed that ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Organophosphates, Hydrocarbons, and Corrosives, Oh My!: The Pathophysiology of Agricultural and Industrial Poisons

If you're like me then when you first hear the term "poison" you picture a little eerie flask with a skull and crossbones on the label. Image by ...
Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology

The Precious Pancreas: Insulin, Glucagon, and Digestive Juices

Located behind the stomach and at the back of the abdomen is the six-inch-long, tadpole-shaped pancreas. From head to tail, the pancreas extends ...
Anatomy & Physiology

VB News Desk: Brain Development Lessons from Glowing Fish

How do we get from stem cells in the developing brain to multiple types of neurons that form initial networks with one another? It’s a question with ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomical Position and Directional Terms

For those of you who have taken an A&P course (or are taking one right now), you know that before you get to learning about the body you need to ...
Anatomy & Physiology

VB News Desk: What Ancient Teeth Tell Us About Human Milk Consumption

Have you ever thought about how weird it is that, long after they’re done drinking their mothers’ milk, humans drink the milk of other animals? It’s ...
Anatomy & Physiology

VB News Desk: 3 Ways Tiny Organs Are Making Big Advances

Organoids and organ-on-a-chip technologies are becoming more and more popular as models for studying different organs and tissues in the human body. ...