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Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

The Latest in Anatomy Education Research

Anatomy instruction is evolving, and it’s important that instructors and administrators keep up-to-date. Here at Visible Body, we’re all about learning, so let’s look at five new publications that examine current practices and trends in anatomy ...
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Debunking 5 Holiday Health Myths

This holiday season, we’re giving you the opportunity to correct your well-meaning loved ones! In this blog post, we’ll tackle five health myths that ...

Flu Vaccines Are Nothing to Sneeze At

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: time to get your flu vaccine! Let’s explore the Spanish flu epidemic, the development of the flu vaccine, ...

No Frog? No Prob! A 3D Visual Guide to Frog Anatomy

There’s a reason frog dissection is the quintessential biology lab: examining frog anatomy teaches students about how organ systems function in ...

The Dirt on Diabetes: The Basics of a Chronic Disease

Diabetes is a disease that’s becoming more and more common. It’s been estimated that by 2045, there will be 700 million people aged 20-75 with known ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

Make Life Sciences Classrooms More Inclusive by “Shaking Up” Assessment

The Visible Body Blog · Make Life Sciences Classrooms More Inclusive By "Shaking Up" Assessment Click the play button to listen to an audio version ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

3D-ifying OpenStax Textbooks with Visible Body

What happens when you combine OpenStax’s free textbooks with Visible Body’s interactive 3D models? A lot of learning. OpenStax partnered with Visible ...
Anatomy & Physiology

The Biome Inside You: An Introduction to Gut Flora

The nineteenth century poet Walt Whitman famously wrote “I am large, I contain multitudes,” and though he wrote that over a hundred years before ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

Why Visible Body Is a Great Match for Career and Technical Education Programs

Health sciences is the most popular track in career and technical education (CTE) programs in high schools across the United States, and many CTE ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

3 Reasons College A&P Students Should Use Visible Body

So you’re a college student with a lot on your plate. You’re trying to reach that school/work/life balance, and you want an anatomy and physiology ...