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Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: 5 Medical Myths Demythified!

Modern medicine is pretty advanced—we have vaccines against diseases that have plagued humanity for centuries and we can see into cells. I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane and visit some ideas that might seem zany to us in ...
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Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Major Components of the Digestive System

Hey, did you hear that? That rumbling sound? It was either thunder on the horizon or your tummy talking. If the skies are clear, then blame it on ...
Anatomy & Physiology

3D Skeletal System: Bones of the Thoracic Cage

Put your hands on your chest and take a deep breath. Feel how your chest expands? That's your thoracic cage—or rib cage, as it's more commonly ...
Anatomy & Physiology

3D Skeletal System: Function of the Sphenoid

The sphenoid. Aside from having the most sci-fi name in all existence, it's pretty much the coolest-looking bone in the body. Best yet? It's in your ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Five Awesome Facts You Didn't Know

Did you know there isn't a moment that your body isn't doing something cool? It's true! Your body is a well-oiled machine that works to keep you ...

Into the Carpal Tunnel: Prevention and Treatment of CTS

In our previous post, we took a look at the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome, bane of hand-users everywhere, as well as some preventative measures. To ...
Anatomy & Physiology

The Science of Smiling: The Anatomy and Function of a Smile

Always keep smiling, look on the bright side of things, every dark cloud has a silver lining, keep your chin up -- heard these before? Most people ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Major Components of the Lymphatic System

You've undoubtedly gone to the doctor for a physical exam. You've sat on a sterilized paper cover in a johnny while cold hands reeking of Purell move ...

A quick hello from the team at Visible Body

"I'm willing to consider almost anything as possible now with the human body. And the more I study it, the more amazed I am by what it's capable of ...
News, Media Coverage

Interview with Andrew Bowditch, CEO and Co-Founder at Visible Body

Visible Body is a content and software development firm that produces award-winning interactive and visual content. The company publishes anatomy and ...