Posted on 5/24/24 by The Team at Visible Body
With a new release planned for this summer, Visible Body Suite is about to get even better.
For the past two years, our team has been working hard to put all of Visible Body’s visual assets into one product. We’ve combined all of the models, animations, and simulations from our old apps—Muscle Premium, Physiology & Pathology, Visible Biology, and Human Anatomy Atlas—to create a single, comprehensive app: VB Suite.
This summer, the great content from Visible Body’s Anatomy & Physiology app will be released as part of VB Suite!
Exploring spinal cord and spinal nerves anatomy in VB Suite.
From VB Suite’s main menu, you will be able to select Anatomy & Physiology and will be brought to a premade A&P course designed to align with a typical A&P syllabus.
Exploring urinary anatomy in VB Suite.
Like a virtual textbook made up of interactive chapters, this app combines text with interactive models, animations, illustrations, and histology slides in bite-sized learning modules. Its 50 chapters take you through all major body systems.
An introduction to muscle types in VB Suite.
Instructors and students both love the guided experience of the A&P course that still allows for exploration and student-led learning.
Do you already use the A&P app with your students? Here are just a few VB Suite features you will be able to use with A&P content:
VB Suite is also home to features like these:
Before VB Suite, students and instructors in an A&P course had to access four different apps—that means four different apps to launch on desktop, and four different apps to download on mobile. For instructors, that also meant extra clicks when adding content in Courseware.
Now, all of Visible Body’s content will soon be in one place! VB Suite can be used on desktop, mobile, or even interactive panels.
With a single, comprehensive app, it’s easy to find exactly what you need in Visible Body’s vast library of content.
There are two ways to find content in VB Suite.
Browse. On VB Suite’s main menu, you’ll see that content is broken down into topics of interest: Human Anatomy, Muscles & Kinesiology, Physiology & Pathology, and Biology. Clicking on one of those topics will bring you to a library of the corresponding visual assets.
Once Anatomy & Physiology is released this summer, you will be able to click on the Anatomy & Physiology topic. From here, you can view all body systems and all 50 chapters!
Browsing A&P content in VB Suite.
Search. VB Suite’s Search tool brings you to exactly what you want! Click on the Search tab at the top of your screen to search VB Suite’s content library. Results are then organized by asset type.
It will also be even easier to use Courseware, Visible Body’s learning platform that can be integrated with popular LMSs or used as a standalone platform. With all content in one app, instructors will find it simple to find and assign engaging A&P content in VB Suite.
We are constantly adding new content and features to VB Suite—we’ve had over a dozen new releases in the past year!
This summer, new models of the uterus, fetal development, and pregnancy are coming to VB Suite! Compare the healthy uterus microanatomy model and the endometriosis pathology model. Study the development of an embryo at 4-6 weeks, explore the key structures of the fetus at 8-10 weeks, and view fetal circulation in detail. Fast-forward to 30 weeks to see how the female body changes during pregnancy.
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