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Anatomy & Physiology

Learn Muscle Anatomy: Serratus Posterior Superior and Inferior

Breathe in and out. Feels good, right? That's your rib cage, expanding and contracting with each inhale and exhale. But your rib cage certainly doesn't do all the work, and if you thought it did, I want you to apologize to the muscles in your back, ...
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Courtney Smith

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Internal Male Reproductive Anatomy

Image from Human Anatomy Atlas. Aaaaand, here we are with part two. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the first one (thanks for the comments!); hopefully ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Internal Female Reproductive Anatomy

Image from Visible Body Suite. Ah, the uterus, nature's Rubix cube. You're probably laughing to yourself, saying, "It's not some great mystery—I know ...
Anatomy & Physiology

5 Facts about the Anatomy of the Pelvic Cavity

I know we've done posts about the pelvic girdle before, but guess what? HERE'S ANOTHER. It's just that cool. Plus, it gives us a little bit of room ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: The Anatomy of Vision

Image from Human Anatomy Atlas. You open your eyes and see the world, but are you conscious of the fact that you are doing so? You saw a link, ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Phonation and the Larynx

Open up your mouth and make a sound. I don't care what it is—scream, sing, recite the Gettysburg Address, hum your current favorite song. Let your ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: The Upper Respiratory System

Image from Human Anatomy Atlas. Breathe in. Feels good to fill your lungs with air and exhale it all out, doesn't it? The structures of your upper ...
Anatomy & Physiology

3D Skeletal System: 7 Interesting Facts about the Thoracic Cage

We spend a lot of time kicking around the office, discussing anatomy and fighting about which structures are the coolest. We all know how I feel ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Learn Muscle Anatomy: Muscles of Plantarflexion

Have you ever watched a ballet dancer stand en pointe (also known as relevé) and wondered how it was even possible? That's basically my mindset ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Homologues of Reproductive Anatomy

Image from Visible Body Suite. The battle of the sexes. Men vs. women. Anything you can do, I can do better. For all that battling, it’s amazing how ...