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Anatomy & Physiology

Pregnant Pause: A look at ovulation, fertilization, and implantation

You know, I took a look back through all of the posts we've written over the last few years, and I noticed a glaring omission on our part. We've never once discussed pregnancy. Part of the reason I think we've shied away from it is because ...
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Courtney Smith

Anatomy & Physiology

The Endocrine System: Hypothalamus and Pituitary

Are you hot right now? Cold? Maybe you're like Goldilocks and are just right. What about your height? Are you tall? Average? Short? Maybe your ...

Year-End Roundup: The Seven Coolest Medical Stories of 2014

It's that time again! Last year, we rounded up seven of the wackiest and/or most amazing stories the medical world had to offer. Let's see if 2014 ...

Common Ligament Injuries and Disorders

Ligaments are the glue that holds us together. I kind of mean that literally—ligaments are tight, fibrous bands that hold together bones and ...
Anatomy & Physiology

The Toxic Substance Treatment Plant: Liver Anatomy

The liver is the friend of many—if a few of my friends from college are any indication, it’s the best friend of some. I fondly remember being at a ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Parts of a Human Cell

I remember being in Mr. Farnsworth’s 7th grade science class when we first really began learning about cells. His room looked like the typical high ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Learn Muscle Anatomy: Bursae

The other day, I let my ten-year old niece play with Muscle Premium on my phone (while I watched cartoons). She kept making the model spin—around and ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Learn Muscle Anatomy: Muscles of Mastication

You know what I really enjoy? Eating. Not just food itself, but the actual act of chewing something. Gum, steak tips, cake, one of those ginormous ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology Vocab: Medical Suffixes

While anatomy & physiology courses tend to be all about biology, anatomy, and other body-related science, there's a smidgen of them dedicated to ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Measuring the Human Heart

When your heart pounds, do you think of how hard your ventricles are contracting to push blood in and out of the heart? Do you think of the ...