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Visible Body showcasing AR and 3D dissection on iOS devices as Apple Education Partner at ISTE

NEW ORLEANS — June 26, 2022 — Visible Body, the company behind Human Anatomy Atlas, Visible Biology, and Visible Body Courseware, will be at ISTE Live 2022 in New Orleans. As an Apple Education Partner at ISTE, the Visible Body team will be ...
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Courtney Smith

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomical Position and Directional Terms

For those of you who have taken an A&P course (or are taking one right now), you know that before you get to learning about the body you need to ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

3D-ifying Distance Education Courses: Using 3D Anatomy in Online Classes

Does your school already have students enrolled in online anatomy courses? If not, they might very soon! The education landscape is shifting, giving ...
Anatomy & Physiology

Does Tryptophan Make You Sleepy? A Look at an Amino Acid with a Bad Rap.

If you've ever been to a Thanksgiving dinner, you've probably heard something along these lines: "I'm so tired because I ate too much turkey. You ...
Anatomy & Physiology

When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go: The Ins and Outs of Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology

I'm going to be straight with you: there are a lot of pee jokes I could have slipped into this post, but being the upstanding person I am (and having ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

Medical accuracy is important (duh). Our VP of Biomedical Visualization explains why.

It seems like it would be such a no-brainer, doesn't it? Of course medical accuracy is important! We're talking about actual human lives, after all. ...
Anatomy & Physiology

That Boom Boom Pow: Virtual Dissection (sort of) of the Human Heart

The heart is a bit ubiquitous. While it's responsible for keeping your body in perfectly oxygenated condition, it's also commonly used as a metaphor ...

Year-End Roundup: The Seven Coolest Medical Stories of 2016

Well, here we are again in the final stretch of the year. Hard to believe 2016 is over, huh? Although I won't be sad to say goodbye to it—Carrie ...
Anatomy & Physiology

A Lot on Our Minds: A Virtual Human Brain Dissection with Atlas 2017

The brain is an insanely complex organ. It's the reason you're you. And as I type this, it occurs to me that this post is basically an ...

Do The Twist: A Look at a Torn Meniscus

I’m sort of glad I never played a lot of sports as a kid, mostly because I don’t have enough fingers to count all the friends I had who hobbled ...