Courses are available to Courseware subscribers with an instructor or administrator account. Click "Add course to my account" to open and save the course in your Courseware account. Visible Body’s premade courses are full of interactive, visual assignments and graded quizzes. They can replace a lab manual, supplement or replace a textbook, or be used in an online anatomy dissection lab.
This course offers a complete, out-of-the-box solution for an introductory Anatomy & Physiology course. It uses Courseware's new assignment format to lead students step-by-step through each required topic. These learning modules feature 3D models, illustrations, and animations, and conclude with multiple choice and dissection quizzes. Additional cumulative assessments for each unit can be published to students “as is” or modified by instructors.
This version of the Anatomy and Physiology: Essential Concepts course is optimized for accessibility and offers a complete, out-of-the-box solution for an introductory course. It uses Courseware's new assignment format to lead students step-by-step through each required topic. These learning modules feature 3D models, illustrations, and animations, and conclude with multiple choice quizzes.
This course offers a complete, out-of-the-box solution for an anatomy lab course. It uses Courseware's new assignment format to engage students in core and challenging topics. These bite-sized learning modules move step-by-step through 3D models, illustrations, and animations, with short multiple choice and dissection quizzes that test students’ knowledge along the way.
This course offers an out-of-the-box solution for an introductory biology lab course covering prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, chromosomes and DNA structure, animal dissections, and animal diversity/comparative anatomy. It uses Courseware's new assignment format, with bite-sized learning modules that lead students step-by-step through 3D models, illustrations, and animations. Short multiple choice and dissection quizzes test students’ knowledge along the way.
This course follows the 28 chapters of Co's Anatomy & Physiology textbook, covering all major body systems. It uses Courseware's new assignment format with bite-sized learning modules and short quizzes, as well as classic Courseware flashcard assignments and cumulative assessments.
This 26-unit course follows the OpenStax A&P textbook. It features interactive learning modules (3D models, animations, illustrations, and histology slides), auto-graded multiple choice and dissection quizzes, and flashcards for student practice.
This course—modeled after Floyd’s Manual of Structural Kinesiology—focuses on the muscular and skeletal systems and how muscle movement occurs throughout the body. Units on the fundamentals of kinesiology and on the muscle movements of each regional group feature interactive learning modules and auto-graded quizzes. Additional A&P modules, flashcards, and labs can be assigned to refresh students’ knowledge or customized for each regional unit.
This course is modeled after Fehrenbach's Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy. Units on the oral cavity, dentitions, anterior and posterior teeth, and more feature interactive learning modules, 3D models, and auto-graded quizzes. Additional A&P modules and labs can be assigned to refresh students’ knowledge of other body systems that affect dental treatments and oral health.
This comprehensive course, modeled after Hoehn's Human Anatomy & Physiology, includes 24 units. Each unit contains interactive learning modules (3D models, animations, illustrations, and histology slides), auto-graded multiple choice and dissection quizzes, and flashcards for student practice.
This 23-unit course was modeled after Marieb's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Each unit contains interactive learning modules (3D models, animations, illustrations, and histology slides), auto-graded multiple choice and dissection quizzes, and flashcards for student practice.
This course follows the lab manual that corresponds to Marieb's Human Anatomy & Physiology textbook. Each unit contains interactive learning modules (3D models, animations, illustrations, and histology slides), auto-graded multiple choice and dissection quizzes, and flashcards for student practice.
This 15-unit healthcare course features a selection of interactive learning modules in anatomy and physiology (3D models, animations, illustrations, and histology slides), as well as auto-graded multiple choice and dissection quizzes, and flashcards for student practice.
This course features autograded, editable A&P labs for a two semester intro course. Each lab includes a pre-lab exercise, a lab activity, and a “Putting It All Together” post-lab exercise.
This course features A&P labs, as well as both pre- and post-lab exercises, for each body system in a typical introductory course.
This course is an alternate version of our A&P Pre/Post Lab Assessments course, presented by topic. It features a wide array of A&P lab exercises and quizzes with specific learning objectives listed for each assignment.
This course provides 3D views and graded quizzes that align with the chapters and illustrations in Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, allowing students to follow along in lab or review before and after lab.
This course follows the lab manual that corresponds to Amerman's Human Anatomy & Physiology textbook.
This course follows the lab manual that corresponds to Saladin's Anatomy & Physiology textbook.
This course includes a concise set of interactive, visual assignments and graded quizzes for an introductory Anatomy & Physiology course. All assignments (except a folder marked For Instructors) can be published to students “as is,” or modified as an instructor sees fit.
This 15-unit course is the first semester of a two-semester A&P course. It contains the instructor's course outlines for each body system unit as well as also assignments from Visible Body and Open Education Resources.
This 8-unit course is the second semester of a two-semester A&P course. It contains the instructor's course outlines for each body system unit as well as also assignments from Visible Body and Open Education Resources.
With physical education in mind, this 9 unit course focuses on anatomical terminology, cells and tissues, bone structure, structure and organization of muscle, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the pathology of sports injuries.
This course covers dental anatomy and head and neck anatomy. The dental coverage features cross-sectional views of the teeth, muscle actions of the mandible, and histology slides of the salivary glands and taste buds. The head and neck coverage focuses on the skeletal and muscular structures, innervation, and vasculature.
Focusing on dance kinesiology, this course takes a look at the bones and muscles of the foot, ankle, femur, knee, hip joint, pelvis and spine, shoulder joint and scapula, elbow, and wrist.
This 10-unit excercise physiology course highlights the following topics: energy systems, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, skeletal muscle stucture and function, and the skeletal system and joint movement.
This 13-unit course focuses mostly on the muscules of the different regions of the human body and how they interact with the rest of the body. The course features labs, AR exercises, and learning modules from A&P.
This 7-unit course is the first semester of a two-semester A&P course. Topics covered in this course include: cells and cellular metabolism, tissues, the integumentary system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system, and the senses.
This 7-unit course is the second semester of a two-semester A&P course. Topics covered in this course include the endocrine system, the circulatory system, the lymphatic system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, and the reproductive system.
This course covers normal body function and the effects of disease on the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, GI, and musculoskeletal systems. Each unit contains relevant physiology lessons (including an animated 3D beating heart), pathology content, practice quizzes, and lab activities.
This 8-unit course is modeled after Biel's trail guide to the body. Each unit contains A&P learning modules, 3D models, quizzes, and muscle actions.
This 17-unit comprehensive course, modeled after Colbert's Essentials of A&P for Emergency Care, covers the different regions of the body, featuring pathologies, labs, quizzes, eBooks and AR muscle movements.
This 8-unit course, modeled after Fehrenbach's Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, focuses on the upper body. In addition to modules from A&P, the course includes labs, quizzes, and eBooks.
This 17-unit comprehensive introductory course into the world of A&P is modelled after Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Each unit contains modules from A&P, 3D models, and quizzes.
This 24-unit course is modeled after Martini's Visual Anatomy & Physiology. It contains resources such as A&P modules, 3D models, quizzes, labs, and eBooks.
This 25-unit course is modeled after McKinley's Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach. It contains A&P modules, quizzes, and labs.
This 11-unit course follows Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy. The following body regions are covered in this course: back, upper limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, lower limb, head, neck, and cranial nerves.
This 18-unit course follows Patton's Structure and Function of the Body. It features A&P modules, quizzes, labs, and eBooks.
This course covers key concepts presented in Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4th edition. The course contains A&P review modules, relevant physiology lessons, pathology content, quizzes, and lab activities.
Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 10th Edition, covers normal body function and the effects of disease on body systems. The course contains A&P review modules, relevant physiology lessons, pathology content, quizzes, and lab activities.
This 18-unit course is modeled after Saladin's Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology. Each unit contains modules from A&P, 3D models, and quizzes.
This 18-unit course is modeled after Scott's Body Structures and Functions. Each unit contains modules from A&P, 3D models, and quizzes.
This 10-unit course is modeled after Seikel's Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing. It features A&P modules, quizzes, and labs.
This 25-unit course is modelled after Tortora's Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. Each unit contains modules from A&P, 3D models, and quizzes.
This 18-unit course, modeled after Fox’s Human Physiology, provides an introduction to the functions of the human body.
This 19-unit course, modeled after Silverthorn’s Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, provides an introduction to the functions of the human body.
This introductory biology course aligns Visible Biology with the OpenStax Concepts of Biology text. The following units include Visible Body’s lessons, structure ID activities, lab activities, and quizzes: The Cellular Foundation of Life, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Evolution and Diversity of Life, and Animal Structure and Function.
This introductory biology course is a companion to the content on the Visible Body Biology Learn Site, covering cells plant structure, DNA and chromosome structure, and blood cells. Lessons and lab activities covering body systems are also included.
This introductory biology course aligns Visible Biology with Campbell’s Biology Concepts & Connections. The following units include Visible Body’s lessons, structure ID activities, lab activities, and quizzes: The Life of the Cell, Cellular Reproduction and Genetics, Animals: Form and Function, and Plants: Form and Function.
This biology course aligns Visible Biology with Miller & Levine's Biology. The following units include Visible Body’s lessons, structure ID activities, lab activities, and quizzes: Cells, Genetics, Microorganisms to Plants, and The Human Body.
Courseware is a web-based platform that empowers instructors to create assignments and quizzes using 3D models, animations, and other content from Visible Body's best-selling apps. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers:
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